VORWORT FFXIV ist das weltweit grösste MMORPG. Stand 2023 sind es insgesamt 35.8 Million Abonnenten. Populär wurden die Partyszene im COVID Lockdown. Jeden Tag gab es mehrere Clubs zur Auswahl mit live DJs, die früher in „echten“ Clubs aufgelegt haben und keine Auftritte mehr hatten. Häuser der User wurden immer öfter in Clubs und Bars umgestaltet. Die Partys wurden dann live auf Twitch gestreamt.
Ich habe mir über die Jahre in der Partyszene einen Namen gemacht als Designer, da immer mehr Clubs ein Logo, Banner so wie die Website des Clubs für Events benötigen. Auch hatte ich einige Anfragen von Twitch DJs, die ihren Twitch Stream visuell verschönert haben wollten.
Ich habe mir über die Jahre in der Partyszene einen Namen gemacht als Designer, da immer mehr Clubs ein Logo, Banner so wie die Website des Clubs für Events benötigen. Auch hatte ich einige Anfragen von Twitch DJs, die ihren Twitch Stream visuell verschönert haben wollten.
PREFACE FFXIV is the world's largest MMORPG. As of 2023, it has a total of 35.8 million subscribers. The party scene in COVID Lockdown became popular. Every day there were several clubs to choose from with live DJs who used to DJ in "real" clubs and no longer had gigs. Users' homes were increasingly transformed into clubs and bars. The parties were then streamed live on Twitch.
I made a name for myself over the years in the party scene as a designer, as more and more clubs needed a logo, banner as well as the club's website for events. I also had some requests from Twitch DJs who wanted to have their Twitch stream visually embellished.
I made a name for myself over the years in the party scene as a designer, as more and more clubs needed a logo, banner as well as the club's website for events. I also had some requests from Twitch DJs who wanted to have their Twitch stream visually embellished.

Denizens of Darkness is a brand on Light's data center that stands for underground events, leaning on metal/metalcore/gothic/dark techno music and running two clubs on Light: The Cimmerian Shade & The Curse, at the same time it is the new home for all denizens of darkness!

The Curse is a Goth Venue for all dark Creatures out there. Everyone is welcome..., let our gloomy atmosphere guide you - come tempted with the pure darkness, lost dark creatures are everywhere here - your heart will really start beating when you hear our metal vibes! Get lost to us, we open our refuge for you!

Welcome to „The Cimmerian Shade“ – an old monastery. Legend states, that the grounds were drowned in blood and bones in the Cimmerian age.
Rumors in the surrounding villages mention, nightly activities around the ancient premises. There is talk about demon summonings, dark rituals and special beverages, tasting of old memories and just with a hinch of unknown herbs. So come sinners out there - may it be for a confession or a deeper approach to cleanse your soul.

MAIKO - A traditional Japanese Lounge.
(Which unfortunately never opened its doors, but because I find it so kawaii, it honors its right to be here. So that you know that I can also design something cute in addition to the dark themes.)
(Which unfortunately never opened its doors, but because I find it so kawaii, it honors its right to be here. So that you know that I can also design something cute in addition to the dark themes.)

And this is my Main Char “Lilly”.
A Snow Au’Ra DRK (The Dark Knight is a tank job).
A Snow Au’Ra DRK (The Dark Knight is a tank job).